We build an amazing community

What is a hero?

Every year we reward our students for tripling their sales and impact.

Our Heroes who managed to triple their sales and their impact.


Casa productora de eventos.


Centros Tecnologicos.

Joseal y Jabnia

Ballet para adultos.

Jessica Vazquez

Divino Dinero.

What is m! by MAS Academy?

The event where we recognize our heroes.

Discover more students who managed to triple their sales and their impact:

"I take a lot of value from Personal Seller Certification, the way things are transmitted, I have learned to lose fear of the camera, that has helped me a lot in my approach, of what I am doing with my product, thank you very much MAS Academy"


"I am super happy with the results and the achievements I have had with the Personal Seller Certification, it was thanks to the daily support that I was able to launch my funnel and I am delighted with the results"

Juan Pablo Marín

"One of the main reasons I decided to join Personal Seller Certification was because of the fear of selling, a fear that has literally been taken away from me because of the good strategies they have"

Maria de Los Angeles.

Licenciada en contaduría.

Rocio Hidalgo

Administradora de un clínica,
apasionada por el Coaching.​

Sofía Monasterio.

Coach apasionada en ayudar a otros a encontrar su pasión.

Mike Angulo

Organizador de eventos.

The virtual adviser of your enterprise.

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